COVID-19 Update from CRPD

Hello All Sports Field and Facility Users,

I wanted to touch base with all of our Sports Organizations currently holding Permits for our Fields/Facilities. This is my May 27, COVID-19 Update.

As per my last update (5/8/20), we are currently following the Stay Well orders that were put into place May 8 thru May 31st.  At this time we do not have enough information from VC or CDC to move forward with our rentals. Therefore as we follow the current VC & CDC Directives CRPD will be extending  Fields/Facilities Permit cancellations through at least June 14th.

Once we get further direction we will have time to get Permits back on track and host the many sports leagues that use our fields/Facilities.

Hopefully new Directives will give us all the information we need to move forward and June 15th will be the day we are able to activate your Permits.

I will again remove the COVID- 19 non use dates from your Permits. If through June 14 ends your Permit we will close out the Permit and Invoice for your February – March 13 use. If you want to cancel any dates beyond June 14, please do so in an email to me.

Let me reiterate that June 15 is our target date that field permits can be activated. This does not mean on June 15,  CRPD will be moving on as usual; reminder within each Organization there will need to be a plan formulated to move forward. Please consider the modifications you will need to have in place to make the re-start.

I know this is still hard on your Organizations, Volunteer Coaches, Players and Parents. We appreciate your support and standing together until it is safe out there. Please make sure your coaches are aware of the extended “no permit” date. If they are going to go out for exercise, they need to keep the 6ft social distance and follow other Orders that are in place.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please email me directly to discuss. Due to COVID – 19 restrictions we are in the office, but also taking time off or working from home weekly. It may take a couple days, but I will return your email.

We hope you are all staying safe and well as we roll back into the community.  .  .  Whenever and in Whatever form our “come-back” may be!

Thank every one of you for your Organization volunteer time and patience during this very uncertain time,

Dana Miller
Recreation Supervisor/Sports
Conejo Recreation & Park District