Closure Update 08-1-2020

Can you participate in Organized or Recreational Team Sports Activities? Updated 8/6/2020

The California Department of Public Health has issued Youth Sports Guidance. Youth sports training, conditioning and physical education is now permitted in Ventura County when those activities include continuous physical distancing of at least six feet and a stable cohort, i.e. the same children at each meeting. Teams, classes, and other youth sports activities that involve contact, competitive or team play are not permitted.

The State guidance document may be found at COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Youth Sports.

As an example, team sports such as football, baseball, volleyball, and soccer are currently prohibited under the state order, whereas sports such as surfing, singles tennis, golf, and singles rowing are allowed if conducted outdoors and six-foot physical distancing is maintained.

Any team or entity conducting youth sports training must register under Youth Sports at and follow the state issued guidance.

Please note that physical distancing must be maintained under the guidance, which precludes scrimmages, games, and team drills from being performed at this time. Further, all outdoor and indoor sporting events, assemblies, and other activities that require close contact or promote congregating are prohibited, including tournaments, events, or competitions and regardless of whether teams are from the same school or from different schools, counties, or states.

Since Ventura County is currently on the state’s monitoring list due to elevated case rates of COVID-19 all sports activities including conditioning, training and physical education must be conducted outdoors.

While youth sports conditioning and training is now allowed under certain conditions, adult, amateur (non-professional) team sports are not permitted in the state at this time. The state indicates that guidance for adult sports will be forthcoming.

Those Youth Organizations that have turned in their COVID-19 Restart Plan, signed waivers and completed your attestation form, will have Permits sent to them today and may begin Training & Conditioning on Monday, if August 1 was an original start date you applied for. For those that have not completed the requirements, your Permits will be on Hold.

Make sure your Training & Conditioning Coaches have permits in hand; our “Field Patrol – Rob”  will be out and about; he will confirm you have a Permit to be on the fields. We plan to stay active in keeping rouge groups off of our fields!

Looking forward to seeing all the kids back out on the fields; please remember social distancing is still a must!

Again we would like to thank you for your volunteer time you give to our sports community and more importantly at this time your efforts to help contain and slow the spread of COVID-19.


Dana Miller
Recreation Supervisor/Sports
Conejo Recreation & Park District
403 W Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805-495-4674  |  Fax: 805-381-2726
