CRPD Update

Hello All Area Athletic Organizations,

I hope this email finds you all healthy  and staying Safe out there. We realize this last five months has been very difficult for all of you volunteering with each Organization. I wish there was better news!

This is a two fold email. First I wanted to sincerely thank and commend you for following the COVID-19 Stay Well Orders that have been in place since March 13. Unfortunately we continue to  see more and more sports groups on our fields these past few months; I know it is not your Organization. We are taking steps to keep other groups off of our fields; we have recently scheduled Field Patrol, this is a CRPD Staff person who this week has begun heading out and educating the unpermitted sports groups. He will be out to all Parks throughout the District during various hours on various days Monday – Sunday speaking to groups and giving them the attached letter. Please share this letter with your coaches, team managers, parents, etc.

We can use your help too. When there are sports groups out on your normal (or other) fields, shoot me an email including as much information as you have –  where/field?, when/day & time?, who/sport & Organization name?, if you have it. We will be out at the field at that time on another day to check it out and speak to someone with the group if possible. This letter will also start popping up on backstops and fences throughout the District at Parks along with SPORTS FIELD CLOSED TO SPORTS GATHERINGS signs on the fields. The more information I can gather the more groups we can hopefully keep off our fields per the Ventura County Public Health Department Orders.

Second, this email is to address Fall Permits. When additional restrictions were released to update state Orders by Governor Newsome and the California Department of Public Health it was stated it would be in place at least 3 weeks; three weeks is August 3. We will not be sending out any Permits until the Ventura County July 13 Order is lifted or revised. So, just a heads-up and to be clear, there will be no Fall Permits starting prior to  August 4th. Even the August 4 start date is Pending additional Orders given by County of Ventura Public Health Department. There is a good chance that “Games will still be prohibited”, keep this in mind as you look into starting up your season. As soon as there are any updates to the Orders we will issue Permits accordingly.

As I have stated in past Organization Field Status Updates, each Organization is required to complete the new COVID-19 Requirements to move forward in receiving any Field Permits. To those that have completed the requirements and may have been given “Sports Camp” permits late this Spring; Thank you for taking the time to get everything done. These Organizations are ready to receive their  Fall Permits as soon as we are able to issue them. For the rest of you, Permits of any kind cannot  be issued to your Organization until all Covid -19 Requirements are met. The first step is to submit your COVID-19 “Return to Play Plan” for your Organization. After I receive that I will send you further requirements. If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you all for everything you do, especially the huge amount of extra time you have put into your Organization this Spring. You are Appreciated by Conejo Recreation & Park District and our Community.

We are in this together to help stop the spread – Please keep up the good work.

Stay Well,

Dana Miller
Recreation Supervisor/Sports
Conejo Recreation & Park District
403 W Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805-495-4674  |  Fax: 805-381-2726
