Wish Patrick the Best

Patrick is undergoing a heart operation on Monday at the VA hospital.  We ask for your thoughts and prayers. As you know we are all indebted to Patrick for starting Conejo 76, back in 1976, and running the league and games until a few years ago.  There is no way the league would exist without Patrick’s efforts.  We’ll keep the website updated of Patrick’s progress.

The Board

15 thoughts on “Wish Patrick the Best

  1. Praying for you, Patrick. Your encouragement and acceptance let me participate in the game I love after a 30 year layoff. We will share a beer when you’re able.

  2. Update on Patrick. He is being moved to Cedars Sinai and will have the operation on Friday 14th. Again, please keep Patrick in your thoughts and prayers.

    • Thanks for the update Richard. Many have been asking not knowing the surgery date was moved from Monday to Friday. Wishing Patrick a speedy recovery. ???

  3. As soon you get better will have a taste of the BEST Chilean wine……get well !

    Carlos A.

  4. Patrick called. He has been moved to Cedars Sinai. Much nicer accommodations and food to order. He will have surgery at the earliest Tuesday. They are doing the same tests as the VA. I read him your thoughts and he really appreciated them.

  5. Update from Patrick,
    He is at Cedars Sinai in cardiac section. Did final test. Surgery is scheduled for Thursday. Wish him well good luck


  6. Talked to Patrick tonight. Operation was a success. He said he had 2 side affects. Heart spasms and he could not remember the other. He should be able to go home some time this week. Will have a pick line inserted and have for 6 months.. He just called back and wanted me to convey thanks to all that prayed for him.


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