3/24 Game

Rain is forecast for Wednesday 3/20, looks as though is should be clear for Sunday 3/24.
Remember the new format. Arrive early. Be ready to play by 8:30. If you arrive late it may impede your playing time, as teams will already have been selected! Have your $7 ready.

3/17 Game

Happy St Patrick’s Day. The fields are open and no inclement weather is forecast. Remember the new format. Arrive early. Be ready to play by 8:30. If you arrive late it may impede your playing time, as teams will already have been selected! Have your $7 ready.

2/17/2019 Game

Looking more and more like a Mud Bowl on Sunday. Can’t see CRPD reopening the fields, so we will be at Monte Vista School 1220 Fourth St. Simi Valley, CA 93065 8am

2/10 Game

Due to inclement weather the game will be played at Monte Vista School 1220 Fourth St., Simi Valley, CA 93065