Update 2/28/2021, Field not available

The board has tried to resume use of the field, but, our efforts have been thwarted. You may contact your city and state officials and express your opinions and ask them to change the situation. Here’s the situation that Tim encountered.

“Thank you for letting me know that you and so many more have been vaccinated but sorry to say that will not allow you to play Football at North Ranch.Conejo Recreation & Park District(CRPD) follow the State of California Guidelines and its just youth organization’s that are allowed to practice on the Football fields at the moment. I have paid the $100 application fee for the North Ranch permit months ago and I continue to wait for CRPD to release that permit along with others for the fields we require to play on Sunday’s. We all need to remain patient because of all these silly Guidelines that are not allowing us to play Football on Sunday at the fields that we will have the permit for when the restriction’s are lifted. I would like to apologize to everyone for not responding sooner but I didn’t have any new information for you and my year has been a challenging one because of the amount of illness in my family but i want you to know that i look forward to playing Football soon. Here are some websites you can visit for updates but I’m sure you know this already.www,crpd.org  and venturacountyrecovers.org 
Kindest regards
Tim o Donovan
CSC 76 President”

Closure Update 08-1-2020

Can you participate in Organized or Recreational Team Sports Activities? Updated 8/6/2020

The California Department of Public Health has issued Youth Sports Guidance. Youth sports training, conditioning and physical education is now permitted in Ventura County when those activities include continuous physical distancing of at least six feet and a stable cohort, i.e. the same children at each meeting. Teams, classes, and other youth sports activities that involve contact, competitive or team play are not permitted.

The State guidance document may be found at COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Youth Sports.

As an example, team sports such as football, baseball, volleyball, and soccer are currently prohibited under the state order, whereas sports such as surfing, singles tennis, golf, and singles rowing are allowed if conducted outdoors and six-foot physical distancing is maintained.

Any team or entity conducting youth sports training must register under Youth Sports at www.vcreopens.com and follow the state issued guidance.

Please note that physical distancing must be maintained under the guidance, which precludes scrimmages, games, and team drills from being performed at this time. Further, all outdoor and indoor sporting events, assemblies, and other activities that require close contact or promote congregating are prohibited, including tournaments, events, or competitions and regardless of whether teams are from the same school or from different schools, counties, or states.

Since Ventura County is currently on the state’s monitoring list due to elevated case rates of COVID-19 all sports activities including conditioning, training and physical education must be conducted outdoors.

While youth sports conditioning and training is now allowed under certain conditions, adult, amateur (non-professional) team sports are not permitted in the state at this time. The state indicates that guidance for adult sports will be forthcoming.

Those Youth Organizations that have turned in their COVID-19 Restart Plan, signed waivers and completed your attestation form, will have Permits sent to them today and may begin Training & Conditioning on Monday, if August 1 was an original start date you applied for. For those that have not completed the requirements, your Permits will be on Hold.

Make sure your Training & Conditioning Coaches have permits in hand; our “Field Patrol – Rob”  will be out and about; he will confirm you have a Permit to be on the fields. We plan to stay active in keeping rouge groups off of our fields!

Looking forward to seeing all the kids back out on the fields; please remember social distancing is still a must!

Again we would like to thank you for your volunteer time you give to our sports community and more importantly at this time your efforts to help contain and slow the spread of COVID-19.


Dana Miller
Recreation Supervisor/Sports
Conejo Recreation & Park District
403 W Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805-495-4674  |  Fax: 805-381-2726


CRPD Update

Hello All Area Athletic Organizations,

I hope this email finds you all healthy  and staying Safe out there. We realize this last five months has been very difficult for all of you volunteering with each Organization. I wish there was better news!

This is a two fold email. First I wanted to sincerely thank and commend you for following the COVID-19 Stay Well Orders that have been in place since March 13. Unfortunately we continue to  see more and more sports groups on our fields these past few months; I know it is not your Organization. We are taking steps to keep other groups off of our fields; we have recently scheduled Field Patrol, this is a CRPD Staff person who this week has begun heading out and educating the unpermitted sports groups. He will be out to all Parks throughout the District during various hours on various days Monday – Sunday speaking to groups and giving them the attached letter. Please share this letter with your coaches, team managers, parents, etc.

We can use your help too. When there are sports groups out on your normal (or other) fields, shoot me an email including as much information as you have –  where/field?, when/day & time?, who/sport & Organization name?, if you have it. We will be out at the field at that time on another day to check it out and speak to someone with the group if possible. This letter will also start popping up on backstops and fences throughout the District at Parks along with SPORTS FIELD CLOSED TO SPORTS GATHERINGS signs on the fields. The more information I can gather the more groups we can hopefully keep off our fields per the Ventura County Public Health Department Orders.

Second, this email is to address Fall Permits. When additional restrictions were released to update state Orders by Governor Newsome and the California Department of Public Health it was stated it would be in place at least 3 weeks; three weeks is August 3. We will not be sending out any Permits until the Ventura County July 13 Order is lifted or revised. So, just a heads-up and to be clear, there will be no Fall Permits starting prior to  August 4th. Even the August 4 start date is Pending additional Orders given by County of Ventura Public Health Department. There is a good chance that “Games will still be prohibited”, keep this in mind as you look into starting up your season. As soon as there are any updates to the Orders we will issue Permits accordingly.

As I have stated in past Organization Field Status Updates, each Organization is required to complete the new COVID-19 Requirements to move forward in receiving any Field Permits. To those that have completed the requirements and may have been given “Sports Camp” permits late this Spring; Thank you for taking the time to get everything done. These Organizations are ready to receive their  Fall Permits as soon as we are able to issue them. For the rest of you, Permits of any kind cannot  be issued to your Organization until all Covid -19 Requirements are met. The first step is to submit your COVID-19 “Return to Play Plan” for your Organization. After I receive that I will send you further requirements. If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you all for everything you do, especially the huge amount of extra time you have put into your Organization this Spring. You are Appreciated by Conejo Recreation & Park District and our Community.

We are in this together to help stop the spread – Please keep up the good work.

Stay Well,

Dana Miller
Recreation Supervisor/Sports
Conejo Recreation & Park District
403 W Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805-495-4674  |  Fax: 805-381-2726


COVID-19 Update from CRPD

Hello All Sports Field and Facility Users,

I wanted to touch base with all of our Sports Organizations currently holding Permits for our Fields/Facilities. This is my May 27, COVID-19 Update.

As per my last update (5/8/20), we are currently following the Stay Well orders that were put into place May 8 thru May 31st.  At this time we do not have enough information from VC or CDC to move forward with our rentals. Therefore as we follow the current VC & CDC Directives CRPD will be extending  Fields/Facilities Permit cancellations through at least June 14th.

Once we get further direction we will have time to get Permits back on track and host the many sports leagues that use our fields/Facilities.

Hopefully new Directives will give us all the information we need to move forward and June 15th will be the day we are able to activate your Permits.

I will again remove the COVID- 19 non use dates from your Permits. If through June 14 ends your Permit we will close out the Permit and Invoice for your February – March 13 use. If you want to cancel any dates beyond June 14, please do so in an email to me.

Let me reiterate that June 15 is our target date that field permits can be activated. This does not mean on June 15,  CRPD will be moving on as usual; reminder within each Organization there will need to be a plan formulated to move forward. Please consider the modifications you will need to have in place to make the re-start.

I know this is still hard on your Organizations, Volunteer Coaches, Players and Parents. We appreciate your support and standing together until it is safe out there. Please make sure your coaches are aware of the extended “no permit” date. If they are going to go out for exercise, they need to keep the 6ft social distance and follow other Orders that are in place.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please email me directly to discuss. Due to COVID – 19 restrictions we are in the office, but also taking time off or working from home weekly. It may take a couple days, but I will return your email.

We hope you are all staying safe and well as we roll back into the community.  .  .  Whenever and in Whatever form our “come-back” may be!

Thank every one of you for your Organization volunteer time and patience during this very uncertain time,

Dana Miller
Recreation Supervisor/Sports
Conejo Recreation & Park District

May 31st Update

We are staying in line with the County and CRPD. No large gatherings until May 31st. Its very frustrating for all of us but, no soccer until they lift the restrictions.

Many of us are in the age group that are considered most at risk.

We don’t want to jeopardize our permit with CRPD and will be following their guidelines.

May 12 Update

Ventura County has updated its date for large gatherings to May 12th. Therefore, we won’t be having soccer until then. We’ll keep you informed of changes.